Friday, April 22, 2011

Today I am thankful - traditions, scrapping and reading

- for a peaceful day at home: I do not practice any religion, however the cultural traditions at the time of year are important to me, so Good Friday is a day of hot cross buns and fish for dinner. 

- for scrapbooking! Yes, I actually worked on a new layout today :) and realised just how far behind I am long it has been since I have done any. My plan to start scanning my pages in high res was thwarted when I could not get the A3 scanner to scan any bigger than A4, however I did get to upgrade all my image management software ;)

- for reading time: I finished the book I started at the beginning of the week, the quickest read in a long time. Nothing like a chance to focus!


hobosfromubobo said...

Great to read that you've enjoyed a day of rest and catching up on those little jobs that keep getting put off. What was your book? Do you recommend it?

Need To Change said...

Don't remind me, I can't remember even open the cupboard my scrapbook things are stored in, its been so long.