Saturday, March 24, 2012

Still thankful! Community, art supplies and babies

I have been so busy lately, it didn't even register I haven't been posting my Thankful post! Whoops! Note to self - too busy to remember to be thankful is probably too busy.

Today I am thankful -
- for community, as always - lately it seems that simple trips to shops and other errands mean enjoyable moments bumping into people I know, quickly passing the time of day or just exchanging smiles. There are rumours that communities don't exist in our modern world or that social media like facebook have a negative impact on face to face interaction. Rubbish!

- for art supplies. Now the family birthday season has eased (my husband, first and last children all have theirs in the space between Christmas and mid-March, which is very poor planning from a financial perspective!) I have been able to to stock up on much-wanted art supplies. Mostly buying online, which is actually supporting small business, both here in Australia and the US, there is the added bonus of the excitement a package brings
- sadly this is usually watered-down by the displeasure of a card in the mail box saying you missed it and need to go to the post office to collect :( . I hear that online shopping is resurrecting a postal service at risk from a decrease in letters due to online communication: the internet taketh with one hand but giveth with the other!

- for babies! We are in the thick of the annual March baby-boom and have had lots of small visitors to the Breastfeeding Centre whose lives are still counted in weeks. No matter how bad the world can sometimes seem on the evening news, there is still magic in the eyes of a newborn baby. It is such a blessing to work with these little people and their bleary-eyed parents ;)

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